- This event has passed.
Climate, Environment and Planning Committee Meeting
August 7 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
I hereby summon you to attend a Climate, Environment and Planning Committee meeting of the Illogan Parish Council on Wednesday 7th August 2024, 7pm in Illogan Parish Council Community Office, Trevelyan Road, Illogan
1. Safety Procedures
2. To receive and approve apologies for absence and agree any future actions
3. Members to declare disclosable pecuniary interests and non-registerable interests (including details thereof) in respect of any items on the agenda and any gifts or hospitality worth £25 or over
4. To consider applications from members for dispensations
5. To receive and approve the minutes of the meetings of this Committee held on the 3rd and 17th July 2024 and the Chairman to sign them.
6. Matters arising from the minutes and a report on progress of actions, for information only
7. Public participation
8. To discuss planning applications received from Cornwall Council and agree statutory consultee comments to return to Cornwall Council Planning Department (Reporting Councillor -Cllr Holmes)
i. IPC2024/029
Trengove Farm, Cot Road, Illogan
Conversion of Redundant Agricultural Building to Form Annex and Holiday Use Accommodation to Existing Development of Holiday Lets
ii. IPC2024/030
Oak Tree Cabin, South Drive, Tehidy
Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for an Existing use of a building as an unfettered dwelling (Use Class C3)
iii. IPC2024/031
56 Gwel Kann, Park Bottom
Retrospective application for the construction of 14ft x 10.5ft wooden building for use as home salon
9. To note planning decisions received from Cornwall Council and Planning Appeal Decisions received from the Planning Inspectorate
10. To ratify the Council’s response to the Cornwall Council 5-day planning protocol for PA24/03921 – Plot 5 Dunstan Meadows, Merritts Hill, Illogan – Proposed new 4 bedroom dwelling without compliance with conditions 2 and 4 of decision PA22/00887 dated 06.09.2022, that Illogan Parish Council agrees with the recommendation of the Planning Officer and agree any future actions.
11. To receive reports from Cllrs Crabtree and Ms Kemp on weeds in kerbs, agree any future actions and any associated expenditure
12. To receive the Cornwall Council Housing Decarbonisation Strategy Public Consultation, agree a response and any future actions
13. To receive correspondence up to the date of the meeting for information only
14. To note any information regarding the cricket field at Mary’s Well and agree any future actions and any associated expenditure
15. To consider items to be discussed at future meetings
16. Date and Time of next meeting
Wednesday 21st August 2024, time to be confirmed in Illogan Parish Council Community Office.
17. That under the 1960 Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act the press and public are excluded due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed
18. To receive responses from the Illogan Park Maintenance and Litter Picking contractors, agree any future actions and any associated expenditure
Given under my hand this day Wednesday 31st July 2024.
Sarah Rimell
Clerk to the Council
Planning Applications will be available to view from 6.30pm until 7pm on the evening of the meeting.
Committee Members: Cllrs Gary Cullimore (Chairman), David Ekinsmyth (Vice Chairman), Graham Ford, Paul Holmes, Mike Jobson, Ms Sue Kemp, Mrs Tara O’Donnell, Miss Jean Pollock, and Stefan Szoka.