When in 2013, it became obvious that Cornwall Council were not going to put any investment into Illogan Park, the Parish Council began to consider their options. A questionnaire was compiled and circulated to every household in the Parish. The questionnaire asked whether members of the public felt that Illogan Parish Council should take over the ownership of the Park, the current use (s) of the area and what people would like to see in the Park in the future. The results of the questionnaire were compiled and carefully considered by members of the Council.
Illogan Parish Council entered into negotiations with Cornwall Council to purchase the freehold of Illogan Park for £1 or for an acceptable purchase price. An action plan was drawn up, a business plan compiled and extensive information gathering and negotiations with Cornwall Council began.
In 2015 the freehold of Illogan Park was legally transferred from Cornwall Council to Illogan Parish Council.
The Council drew up tender documents for the grounds maintenance, some improvements to the WC facilities at the Park and for an architect to complete the plans for the future of Illogan Park.
Illogan Parish Council continues to work closely with the Illogan Park Rugby Club and the New Inn Titans to manage Illogan Park and make it a facility for Illogan to be proud of.
The Council will be completing further consultations with the public regarding the future of the Park and the facilities within it. Members of the Council would like to encourage everyone to engage with the consultations and have their say on the future of Illogan Park.
If you have any queries or would like any further information, please contact the Clerk to the Council.
In the Summer of 2016 a public consultation was held on the future of Illogan Park. Residents were invited along to have their say on what they wanted for Illogan Park in the future.
Aerial picture of Illogan Park in 2016
A planning application was submitted to Cornwall Council for installation of new public toilets, a new vehicular entrance and car park and a tarmac perimeter path.
The changing rooms had a refurbishment.
Access lane, An Vownder, was resurfaced.
The new public toilets were installed in Illogan Park.
A perimeter path was installed and received great feedback from users of the park.
Illogan Parish Council Community Office opened in December 2022 giving Illogan Parish Council its own premises for the first time in it’s history.