Illogan Parish Council was re-formed in March 1985 with the first meeting being held in early April of that year. The Council is a statutory local authority established under the Local Government Act 1972. It is a single corporate body composed of 14 individual Councillors one of whom is the Chairman, all of whom are elected or co-opted through the democratic process.
Illogan Parish Council represents and serves the entire community and balances their work to encompass the needs of each sector of the community. Councillors meet to discuss the Council services and to approve the actions required to maintain and improve the area and facilities for the whole community. The Council sets its own procedures, policies, and priorities within legislation. It agrees and monitors the budget including how funds will be raised and spent. The budget is used to action decisions made by the Council and to improve the local community in line with defined duties and powers. A Council is responsible for ensuring that public money is spent lawfully, without risk and achieves best value for money.
Illogan Parish Council covers a largely rural area between Camborne and Redruth. It is based in it’s own custom built office at Illogan Parish Council Community Office, Trevelyan Road, Illogan and holds all it’s meetings in the community room there.
Illogan Parish Council employs a full time Clerk and a part-time assistant. The Council utilises the services of both regular contractors and one-off contractors to deliver services. The Council currently owns and manages Illogan Park; leases and manages Manningham Wood; strims footpaths in contract with Cornwall Council; maintains open spaces, amenity space and assets within the parish; is a consultee on planning applications; organises and runs events such as the Christmas Lights Switch On Events and Illogan Fun Day.
Illogan Parish Council has three parish Wards – Illogan, Park Bottom and Tehidy. The Council consists of fourteen Councillors which each represent a Ward in the parish; nine councillors represent the Illogan Ward; three represent the Tehidy Ward and two represent the Park Bottom Ward.
The Council meets regularly throughout each municipal year, which runs from the 1st of April until the 31st of March; the Full Council meets monthly on the third Wednesday of every month (barring December when it may meet on the second Wednesday). Planning and Environmental Services Committee meetings are usually held on the first and third Wednesdays of the month except May and December. Other Committees meet at varying times throughout out the year. A full list of meetings can be found on the What’s On page.
Part of the procedure and business of the Council is governed by statute law and regulation, the rest by good practice and convention. These are summarised in the Council’s Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, and other Policies, procedures, and protocols. Since 3rd April 2002 this Council has adopted the Parish Councils’ Model Code of Conduct.
The Council is funded principally through an annual precept, which is an additional council tax levied on local taxpayers. The accounts are audited every year by both an Independent Internal Auditor and an External Auditor, and the results are published on the Parish Noticeboard and website.
Illogan Parish Council is a member of various outside organisations and advisory bodies. These affiliations give both local and national views and contacts and invaluable advice and guidance. The Parish Council also works with the principal Local Government Council which is Cornwall Council.