Please see below for a list of Council Committees, members of the Committees and the Terms of Reference (what each Committee does and what it has responsibility for).
2024 – 2025 List of Committees, Members and Terms of Reference of Illogan Parish Council:
Climate, Environment and Planning Committee
Committee Members
Councillor Gary Cullimore – Chairman
Councillor David Ekinsmyth – Vice Chairman
Councillor Graham Ford
Councillor Paul Holmes
Councillor Mike Jobson
Councillor Mrs Tara O’Donnell
Councillor Miss Jean Pollock
Councillor Lee Simmons
Councillor Stefan Szoka
2024/2025 Terms of Reference for the Climate, Environment and Planning Committee
Purpose – Climate
To establish deliverables of what the Parish Council can achieve to ensure local commitments and actions are implemented, to reduce carbon emission and build resilience to the changing climate.
Consider climate change when planning the Council’s core activities.
Collect and collate information on climate change and the Council’s progress
To consider parish wide activities to promote awareness of the climate emergency and encourage actions to reduce carbon emissions.
To create a Climate Action Plan
To promote Climate Change and Environmental initiatives and groups via media and events.
To engage with local businesses, schools, places of worship, community groups and other establishments to discuss and progress climate change initiatives.
To liaise directly with the Cornwall Council Climate Change Team on the County-Wide proposals and initiatives.
To propose ways in which the Council can support the reduction of waste and the benefits of recycling to the wider community.
Purpose – Environment
To monitor and manage Illogan Park.
To arrange appropriate maintenance of Illogan Park.
To deal with all transportation and highways consultations and publicise responsibilities.
To monitor the maintenance of footpaths and green spaces in the parish.
To monitor, review and maintain the condition of signs in the parish.
To consider sites for the erection of new signs.
To seek public comments on traffic issues.
To review the condition of the parish, consider management and maintenance required including weeding, planting, the installation of benches, planters etc
Purpose – Planning
As statutory consultees, send responses to Cornwall Council referencing Illogan Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan, material planning considerations and other comments on planning applications, development and control matters.
To hold, in public, pre-application discussions and meetings.
The Committee will usually meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month unless otherwise agreed by the Committee or Full Council. The meeting on the third Wednesday of each month will only deal with commenting on any planning applications as statutory consultees.
Committee of Illogan Parish Council.
Council members will be appointed at the Annual Council Meeting or as vacancies arise.
There will be a minimum of 7 and no more than 9 Councillors on this Committee.
Delegated responsibility for the Litter Control, General Maintenance, Bus Shelter Maintenance, Footpath Maintenance, Parish Signs, Bins, Manningham Wood Maintenance, Rosemullion Maintenance, and Verge Clearing budgets.
Explanation of the Planning Process
For a full step by step explanation of the Planning Process followed by Illogan Parish Council’s Planning and Environmental Services Committee please click here.
Community Events Committee
Committee Members
Councillor Gary Cullimore – Chairman
Councillor Mrs Tara O’Donnell – Vice Chairman
Councillor Graham Ford
Councillor Lee Hodge
Councillor Ms Sue Kemp
Councillor Lee Simmons
Councillor Tim Wing
Mr Dave Dolling
2024/2025 Terms of Reference for the Community Events Committee
To provide and facilitate events, festivals and activities to be hosted by the Council including the Christmas Lights Switch On Events, Illogan Fun Day and any other event or activity the Council and this Committee resolves to hold or be involved with.
To promote involvement in and participate in community events.
To liaise with the Governance Review Committee to ensure that all suitable and sufficient policies, procedures, planning, health and safety requirements, risk assessments and any other documentation is in place to minimise risks at events.
To organise commemorative events and memorabilia for occasions such as the royal jubilees, Council anniversaries, opening of facilities etc by hosting community events, plaques, benches, planters etc.
Events, community liaison.
Committee of Illogan Parish Council.
Council Members of the Community Events Committee are appointed at the Annual Council Meeting or as vacancies arise.
There will be no more than 7 Councillors and 7 co-opted members of the public on this Committee.
Representatives of Community Organisations, partner agencies and interested members of the public may be co-opted onto the Committee by resolution of the Committee, provided they accept and adhere to Illogan Parish Council’s Code of Conduct, Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and all other policies.
There must be a minimum of three Illogan Parish Councillors present at a meeting for any financial decision to be made. Only Illogan Parish Councillors may vote on financial decisions above £1,000.
Delegated responsibility for the Events revenue and capital budgets
Finance, Resources and Projects Committee
Committee Members
Councillor Dave Crabtree – Chairman
Councillor Mike Jobson – Vice Chairman
Councillor Gary Cullimore
Councillor David Ekinsmyth
Councillor Graham Ford
Cllr Ms Sue Kemp
2024/2025 Terms of Reference for the Finance and Resources Committee
To prepare and recommend the annual budget and precept for approval by the Full Council.
To monitor income, expenditure, and budgetary positions through the year.
To prepare forward financial forecasts and a 5-year projects and maintenance plan.
To monitor and review the Council’s insurance provision and make recommendations to Full Council.
To monitor and manage all aspects of the Council’s website and ICT provision.
To liaise with appointed contractors via the Clerk/Council Office to ensure the efficient progression of projects.
Review documentation and raise any queries to the appropriate contractor via the Clerk/Council Office
Regularly monitor and review progress of the projects against the agreed timelines and raise queries, where necessary, such as if timelines are not being met, or work seems to be behind schedule
Consider and agree minor amendments to the agreed works which will not majorly affect the completion deadline or cost of the project. Amendments up to £10,000 can be agreed by this Committee.
To advertise, obtain quotes and appoint contractors to complete any surveys required for the projects up to a maximum of £10,000.
To regularly review and monitor the budgets and expenditure for the projects.
Visit the site of the projects to monitor progress with the Clerk
To monitor, and review the implementation of the Parish Plan
Where necessary make recommendations to Full Council
Ordinarily the Committee will meet a maximum of six times per year with four meetings being held between June and December unless additional meetings are required for a specific reason and a resolution is passed by either the Committee or Full Council.
Committee of Illogan Parish Council
Council members will be appointed at the Annual Council Meeting including the Chairman of the Committee (as per Standing Orders) or as vacancies arise.
There will be no more than 7 Councillors on this Committee.
All contact with contractors will only be made by the Clerk/Council Office
Site visits will be prearranged with the contractor and will only be held with a Council Officer present.
The Clerk will provide detailed updates on the projects and their progress to the monthly Full Council meetings.
Delegated responsibility for the website maintenance budget.
Explanation of the Budget Setting Process
For a full step by step explanation of the Budget Setting Process followed by Illogan Parish Council’s Finance and Resources Committee please click here.
Governance Review Committee
Committee Members
Councillor Graham Ford – Chairman
Councillor Dave Crabtree
Councillor Lee Hodge
Councillor Paul Holmes
Councillor Mike Jobson
Councillor Mrs Tara O’Donnell
Councillor Miss Jean Pollock
2024/2025 Terms of Reference for the Governance Review Committee
To review at least annually all of the Council’s policies.
To update and amend Council policies when required.
To approve, monitor and review Health and Safety and Risk Assessments.
To make recommendations to the Full Council on amendments to Standing Orders and Financial Regulations.
To monitor changes in legislation and how they apply to the Council and its policies.
To investigate and decide on any complaints received as per the Complaints Procedure.
To adopt new policies and procedures as necessary.
Ordinarily the Committee will meet a maximum of six times per annum unless additional meetings are required for a specific reason and a resolution is passed by either the Committee or Full Council.
Committee of Illogan Parish Council.
Council members will be appointed at the Annual Council Meeting or as vacancies arise.
There will be no more than 7 Councillors on this Committee.
Delegated responsibility for the Health and Safety budget.
Staffing Committee
Committee Members
Councillor Mike Jobson – Chairman
Councillor Graham Ford – Vice Chairman
Councillor Dave Crabtree
Councillor Gary Cullimore
Councillor Lee Hodge
2024/2025 Terms of Reference for the Staffing Committee
To liaise with the Clerk and the Assistant to the Clerk, to discuss progress and any areas for concern.
To have full delegated powers for all staffing matters.
To compile and monitor terms and conditions of all council employees.
To agree and keep up to date all personnel paperwork including job descriptions, person specifications, adverts, and contracts for council employees.
To interview and appoint council employees when appropriate.
To receive and take the relevant action with regard to all employee complaints, grievances and any disciplinary action in line with Council policies and procedures.
To agree the reasoning for completing annual performance appraisals.
To agree the process and paperwork for annual performance appraisals.
To agree the review, monitor and action the annual performance appraisals for all employees. The Clerk’s appraisal is completed by the Chair and Vice Chair of the Staffing Committee. The Assistant to the Clerk’s appraisal is completed by the Clerk and the Chairman or Vice Chairman of the Staffing Committee.
To monitor and approve training requirements for all employees.
To regularly review staffing provision, terms and conditions and salaries.
The Committee will meet at least quarterly or as and when required.
Committee of Illogan Parish Council.
Council Members will be appointed at the Annual Council Meeting or as vacancies arise.
There will be a maximum of 5 Councillors on this Committee, where possible there must be a mix of genders.
Either the Chairman or the Vice Chairman of the Council will sit on the Staffing Committee but will not Chair the Committee.
Only members of the Staffing Committee may be present at meetings unless invited for a specific reason and attendance will only be permitted for the related agenda items.
Members of the Staffing Committee must not disclose any information, share or show any documentation to others. They must also not discuss staffing matters with any Member not on the Committee other than for the purpose of line manager liaison.
A Member may only discuss staffing matters with an advisory body and the Member has been requested to do so by resolution of the Staffing Committee.
Advice on staffing matters will be sought from South West Councils, to which the Council pay an annual subscription for Human Resources (HR) advice.
Delegated responsibility for the staffing and staff training budgets: