The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge which allows planning authorities to charge development to fund infrastructure which addresses the cumulative impact of development. It came into force on 6 April 2010 through the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended).
CIL is a fixed rate per square metre of development, and the rates for development in Cornwall are set out in a Charging Schedule. The Charging Schedule came into effect in Cornwall on 1 January 2019. From this date, developments creating one or more dwellings, or new floorspace of 100sqm or more, could be charged CIL. However, CIL will only become payable on commencement of a development (not granting of planning permission), which means there is always likely to be delay between a development being granted permission and when it has to make a CIL payment.
CIL Regulation 121B sets out that Town and Parish Councils must prepare a report for any financial year (“the reported year”) in which it receives CIL receipts.
2023/2024 CIL Report
2022/2023 CIL Report
2021/2022 CIL Report
2020/2021 CIL Report
2019/2020 CIL Report