- This event has passed.
Full Council meeting
March 20 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
I hereby summon you to a Full Council meeting of Illogan Parish Council to be held on Wednesday 20th March 2024 at 7.00 pm at Illogan Parish Council Community Office, Trevelyan Road, Illogan, TR16 4RG
Members of the press and public are invited to attend.
- Safety Procedures.
- Chairman’s Welcome.
- To receive and approve apologies for absence and agree any future actions.
- Members to declare disclosable pecuniary interests and non-registerable interests (including details thereof) in respect of any items on the agenda and any gifts or hospitality over £25.
- To consider applications from members for dispensations.
- Public participation.
- Chairman’s Announcements.
- To receive and approve the minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on the 21st February 2024 and the Chairman to sign them.
- Matters arising from the minutes and a report on progress of actions, for information only.
- To receive the Delegated Decisions Register since the last meetings, ratify all decisions made and agree any future actions.
- To receive reports on the payments, receipts, and bank reconciliation for the month of February 2024 and agree any future actions.
- To receive and approve the Investment Strategy and Policy and receive the quarterly investment strategy report and agree any future actions.
- To authorise payment of accounts for the month of March 2024 and agree any future actions (up to date list to be tabled at the meeting).
- To appoint a representative to Illogan Village Hall Committee for the remainder of the municipal year.
- To agree whether Councillors want to help with Illogan Parish Fair selling raffle tickets, marshalling, helping with refreshments etc and agree any future actions.
- To consider management, maintenance and future developments in Illogan Park and other parish facilities, agree any appropriate actions and any associated expenditure.
- To receive a report from the Clerk including Health and Safety, agree future actions and any associated expenditure.
- To receive correspondence from the 14th February 2024 until the 12th March 2024, agree any appropriate responses and any future actions.
- To receive reports from the Cornwall Councillors
- To receive a 2-minute update from committee chairmen and note the minutes of the following committee meetings held since the 7th February 2024:
i. Open Spaces Task and Finish Group – 20th February and 5th March 2024
ii. Governance Review Committee – 28th February 2024
iii. Community Events Committee – 4th March 2024
iv. Planning and Environmental Services Committee – 6th March 2024
- To receive a 2-minute update from the Council Representative on outside bodies including the Police Liaison Committee and on Cllrs who have attended training courses or conferences.
- To consider items to be discussed at future meetings; agree where to discuss and timescales.
- Date & time of next meeting:
Wednesday 17th April 2024, 7pm in Illogan Parish Council Community Office.
- That under the 1960 Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act the press and public are excluded due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed.
- To receive recommendations on Council uniforms from the Projects Committee and agree quotes for a Council uniform, agree where to purchase, any future actions and any associated expenditure.
- To receive recommendations for Mobile Speed Activated Signs (MSAS) from the Projects Committee and agree quotes for MSAS, agree where to purchase, any future actions and any associated expenditure.
- To receive applications for the vacant position of Councillor, speak to candidates individually and consider any future actions.
- To re-admit members of the press and public.
- To co-opt a Councillor to the Illogan Ward of the Council and co-opted Councillor to sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office, to be witnessed by the Clerk.
Given under my hand this day Wednesday 13th March 2024
Sarah Rimell
Clerk to the Council