- This event has passed.
Planning and Environmental Services Committee Meeting
18th October 2023 @ 6:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Notice is hereby given that the Planning & Environmental Services Committee meeting of the Illogan Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 18th October 2023 at 6.30pm in Illogan Parish Council Community Office, Trevelyan Road, Illogan
- Safety Procedures
- To receive apologies for absence
- Members to declare disclosable pecuniary interests and non-registerable interests (including details thereof) in respect of any items on the agenda and any gifts or hospitality worth £25 or over
- To consider applications from members for dispensations
- Public participation (Maximum of 15 minutes – Every speaker has a limit of 3 minutes under the Council’s Standing Orders)
- To discuss planning applications received (Cllr Holmes)
i. IPC2023/037
Woodside, South Drive, Tehidy
Works to trees subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO), works include Ash – T1 – dismantle to base. Ash – T2 – dismantle to base. Replace both felled trees with two 2m small leaf lime. - Date and Time of next meeting
Wednesday 1st November 2023 at 7pm in Illogan Parish Council Community Office.
Given under my hand this day Wednesday 11th October 2023
Sarah Rimell
Clerk to the Council
Planning Applications will be available to view from 6.00pm until 6.30pm on the evening of the meeting.
Committee Members: Cllrs Mrs Thompson (Chairman), Ekinsmyth (Vice Chairman), Cullimore, Ford, Holmes, Ms Kemp, Miss Pollock, and Szoka.