Ray Uren Award

Ray Uren was an Illogan boy born and bred and a Burma campaign veteran. He took a close interest in the life and affairs of Illogan and was a frequent attender of the meetings of the parish council. He became a local councillors after a by-election for the last 3 years of his long life.

The Award was instituted in his memory, and was made on nomination from the public at large to mark outstanding contributions to the community in any field by any individual outside paid professional duty.

The Covid-19 pandemic restrictions on meetings meant that there were no award given after 2019.

In 2024 Illogan Parish Council resolved to resurrect the award.

Details of the winners of the Ray Uren award can be found below.


Andrew Tompsett

Andrew has been a consistent servant of Parish matters for many years. He was a friend of Maningham Wood, providing advice and arranging for the placing of Bird nesting boxes in the wood. He was instrumental in obtaining and placing the nature signs in the wood.

He has contributed to St. Illogan Churchyard as a Living Churchyard and has advised on conservation issues surrounding that scheme.

He has advised on, and enabled, the planting of apple trees in several locations around the Parish, including Illogan School, where he arranged for pupils to help plant trees.

He has enabled the saving and renenwal of the ancient apple orchard in Tehidy Country Park, thus developing a community orchard, at the same time involving local volunteers of all ages to help. He has also provided training opportunities for those interested in the selection, planting, pruning, and grafting of apple trees.

He has jusged horticultural produce competitions at local events, and annually ensures that the interior of St Illogan Church is a blaze of floral colour at Easter.

He led the team of Illogan School pupils and other volunteers in the Well Dressing at Marys Well in the Olympics year 2012.

He provided, at the request of the Parish Council 11 years ago, an illustrated report on the Parsonage Well area with advisory comments.

He has been an exemplary member of our community.



Illogan Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group Members:
Alex Prout, Jay Patterson-Ball, Carolyn Williams and Mo Cawsey. John McKimm refused the award.



The group were given the award for the immense amount of voluntary work they had undertaken to get the Plan through its initial phases, consultations and bureaucratic requirements. It put the plan in a position to get approved by the necessary authorities and the local community.


Jill Marsh


For her hard work and outstanding contribution to all those who used Penwartha Hall.




Andy Baker


For his years of tireless work at Illogan Park and generally giving a helping hand to the Illogan public in general.






Steve Turner


The first organisation Steve supported in the Parish was 1st Illogan Scouts in July 2008, when he was elected as Secretary for the group. In November 2013 he moved into uniform and became a Scout Leader in order to better support the Scouts section.


He joined the Village Hall Committee in September 2008, and was elected as Secretary in November of that year. He became the Treasurer for the currently dormant Illogan Parish Regeneration Group in November 2008 and, after supporting the Parish Plan project, in January of 2012 he and a group of like-minded residents decided to revive the Horticultural & Domestic Show.

He also provides technical support to the Illogan Players amateur dramatics group, now based at Illogan Village Hall, as well as helping to run the Illogan Indoor Sports and Recreation Club at the Village Hall on Monday evenings since June 2009.

Steve is also Chairman of the Illogan Parish Fair, a major event for Illogan and one which requires a serious amount of commitment and energy.

Every quarter Steve reliably supplies Illogan Parish Council with updates on the Illogan Parish Fair, the Village Hall and the Scouts.


Rachel Grenfell


For acting swiftly when her mum became ill, phoning the emergency services, providing her home address and  checking ID, before allowing paramedics entry. Also looking after her siblings whilst her mum was treated, helping to find relatives contact number and packing bags for her, her siblings and her mum.



John Mayne

He has worked unpaid for his community for four decades, at times through serious illness, and has left an indelible mark on the community.

His record of community service is second to none.


There was no Ray Uren award given this year.


Monica Wilkes

In recognition of services to the Illogan Parish community, especially for all the work she did on behalf of the Youth.

Dave Dolling

For the work and devotion given to Maningham Woods in the past few years.


Alison Forward

For continued commitment with the Friends of Maningham Wood, and the enthusiasm and organisational ability, which has been of enormous value in establishing and maintaining many village activities, especially for the youth.

Stella Rule

For commitment to Paynters Lane End Chapel and especially for youth work and the annual pantomime over many years.


Andrew Tompsett

For all his voluntary work in the community with the Churchyard, Maningham Wood, Parsonage Well and the Tehidy Wood orchard.